
Welcome to iChurch of the Nazarene!


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iChurch of the Nazarene is the place to go when you don’t know where to go.

Often times we just don’t know where we should go.

We’re lonely, we’re afraid but don’t know who to turn to.

We have questions, we’re looking for answers but don’t know who to ask.

We want to know more about God but aren’t sure where to look.

We may be interested in the church or its history but can’t find what we’re looking for.

For all of these reasons and more, iChurch of the Nazarene is here!

We’re not trying to be a replacement for a regular place of worship, we all need that.  What we want to be is that first step in the door of a church, before you’re ready to take that step.  We hope to offer some answers, encouragement, information and a prayer to help you take that second step toward a body of believers who will welcome you with open arms and help you the rest of the way.

Feel free to browse through the posts and discover more about the Church of the Nazarene.  Look through our articles and sermons for a helpful word that you may need to hear.  If you’re looking for something specific, use the “search” feature in the top right corner of the page or you can follow the “categories” on the right side of the page.

While this isn’t a replacement for a “regular” church, we’d love for you to “follow” us so that you’re updated on new articles and information that we post.  We want you to stay connected until you find a local church where you feel like you can really connect.

If you have a specific question, make a comment below and we’ll get back to you when we can.  On this page, please begin your comment with [private] if you don’t want others to see it, otherwise we will make the comment public so that others can benefit from the question and answer.

Thanks for looking us up, we hope that you enjoy your time here and find hope and encouragement in something you read.

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